Enable Themes
In the Run window type in "services.msc" and find the service called "Themes". Right click on it and select "Properties". Set the startup type to "Automatic" and then click Ok. Right click on "Themes" again and select "Start". Now you can go into your desktop properties, go to the "Appearence" tab and the Windows XP Style themes will now be available.
Enable Themes On Login/Shutdown Dialogues
Even though you have enabled the themes service, the login screen and the shutdown dialogues will still use the classic style. To enable themes on these dialogues, in the Run window type in "regedit" to open the registry editor, navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager". Right click on "ThemeManager" and select "Export" and save it as "ThemeManager.reg" to any location.
Now, open the file in Notepad, change the line "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager" to "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager". Save the file and the run it, when it asks you if your sure you want to import the registry select Yes. Reboot the computer and the process is complete. The dialogues will now be themed with the same style you selected for your desktop.
Disable the Shutdown Event Manager
You know that screen that nags you, asking for a reason everytime you want shut down or reboot your computer? Ya, that. To disable the Shutdown Event Manager, in the Run window type in "gpedit.msc". Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System Double click on "Display Shutdown Event Tracker" to open it's properties window, and then select "Disabled". The Shutdown Event Manager will no longer appear.
Enable The Audio Service
You will notice that after installing Win2k3 that even with your audio drivers installed, you will have no audio. This is because the Audio Service is disabled by default. To enable it, in the Run window type "services.msc". Find "Windows Audio", right click it and select Properties. Now set it's startup type to Automatic and click OK. Right click it again and select "Start".
Now in Run, type "dxdiag". Go into the "Sound" tab and slide the Hardware Sound Acceleration Level to "Full
Acceleration" and then click "Exit".
Enable Full Video Hardware Acceleration
Windows Server automatically sets video acceleration to the lowest setting. To change this, in the Run window type "dxdiag". Now go to the Display tab and Enable DirectDraw, Direct3D and AGP Texture Acceleration. Click Exit.
Now right click on your desktop and select "Properties", go to the Settings tab and select "Advanced". Now under the Troobleshoot tab, set Hardware Acceleration to Full and click Ok.
Remove Ctrl+Alt+Del Security At Logon
In the control panel, go to Administrative tools > Local Security Policy Now go to Local Policies > Security Options. Double click on "Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL" and select Enable.
Disable Internet Explorer Enhance Security
Go into Add/Remove programs, on the side panel select "Add/Remove Windows Components", uncheck the box beside "Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration" and click Next.
Increase System Performance
By default, Windows Server 2003 is set to reserve more memory and CPU usage for background services and system cache. To change this, Right click on "My Computer" and select Properties. Go to the Advanced tab, and under Performance click the "Settings" button. Now in the window that opens up, go to the Advanced tab. Change both to "Programs" and then click Ok.
TV ad: Bush-McCain Challenge
We released a new ad today to show just how similar John McCain and
President Bush are. Watch the ad and take the quiz and see if you can tell
them apart...
16 years ago
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