While tweaking some feeds in Yahoo! pipes today, many feeds were returning strange errors. Now original Feedburner feeds are redirecting to feeds2.feedburner.com/blog instead of feedproxy.google.com/blog
Feedburner Redirect Changes
When our feeds were migrated by Google from Feedburner account to a Google account, they changed the original feed url such that our feed
redirected to
That worked fine for the last few months. Now when I check it
redirects to
So why are 2 Feedburner feeds a problem?
1. Now there exists 2 duplicate Feedburner feeds at
That is sure to cause some SEO issues.
2. Which feed should we link to as the default feed on our blog?
Linking to both feeds is not a solution. Google should clearly stop one of these feeds, or advise which feed they want us to keep as default. To add to the confusion, when I login to my feedburner.google.com account, I see that my feedburner address displays with the feeds2 url
I wonder why Google has made this switch. I know of several feed indexing services which have stopped updating our new feed ever since it redirected to the new url. Maybe it is to fix those feed issues. Maybe it has to do more with the mass migration of all Feedburner feeds to the Google account.
Before you say our case is an isolated incident affecting only our feed, it is affecting most popular blogs like Techcrunch.
Their original feed http://feeds.feedburner.com/Techcrunch
redirects now to http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Techcrunch
and not to http://feedproxy.google.com/TechCrunch
which they link to as their default feed.
Do we all need to change our feedburner url? Tell me.
Update: @NischalShetty points out that Feedburner/Google also hosts another not-updated version of feeds at
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